Title: LOUD
Positioning statement: Your monthly dose
of rock!
Frequency of publication: Monthly
Price: £2.50
Distribution: Supermarkets, Newsagents, Online shopping websites (e.g.
amazon) internet subscriptions, Digital devices (I phone, android, I pad) I
tunes store, Google play store.
Rationale: The magazine will bring the
audience the latest news and events about rock music. As well as getting the readers involved with
our work, we promise to keep the readers on the edge of their seats!
Style: the magazine is going to use
informal language and contain lots of slang words, which will make it easily
read and understood. I am going to use swearing when appropriate, for example,
I am going to use it in an interview, and if the person being interviewed
swears, the magazine will not edit it out. From my audience research, I have
found out that my audiences favourite colours are red, black and blue, so I will
use those colours as the colour scheme.
Regular content: Reviews of the month’s
top concerts.
Album reviews.
Twitter Q and A, send in
questions, and the Loud team will answer them!
Album artwork page, showing off the best album artwork, chosen by the
Feature content:
-R.I.P Lou Reed, article about Lou Reed and why he was such an
- Summer Festival Line-ups. Top Festivals throughout the summer; who is
playing and who we think could be confirmed?
-An interview with Avenged Sevenfold, talking about their new album
Hail to the king.
-5 minutes with Fred Durst. A short interview with the Limp Bizkit
-A short biography about one of the most prestigious men in rock; Dave
-The UK’s most popular venues.
-Top music stores in the UK.
-We find out more about some of the UK’s top upcoming bands.
-Rise Against, a short interview about their upcoming tour.
-The Red Hot Chilli Peppers talk to us about writing some new songs.
-Golden oldies hitting their way back into the charts.
-Backstage with the gaslight anthem.
-we take a look at Billy Joe Armstrong’s guitar collection.
-Corey Taylor and James Root talk us through their time at download
-Rob Trujillo talks us through his new signature bass guitar coming out
-Bowling for soup and their final UK tour.
-We chat with Amy Thomas about her bands rise in popularity and what lies ahead.
-Behind the scenes with Linkin park, working with Warner Brothers.
-Foo Fighters set to release their brand new single.
- Vinyl and LPs coming back?
House style:
Masthead- cooper
STD black
Cover lines-
Berlin sans FB Demi
Fan Heiti STD black
Stand first- Adobe
Fan Heiti STD black
main text- arial 11pt
Drop Capital- Adobe Fan heti STD black (4 lines deep)